Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This weekend I had the time of my life. It was San Francisco Gay Pride, the biggest celebration of its kind in the world.
On saturday the Dyke March took place. Live music and speakers appeared on a stage in Delores Park to a crowd of thousands made up of predomianantly gay women. At 7pm the Dyke March set off around the Mission district and made its way to Castro. The March is led by a huge group of 'Dykes on Bikes', in this case approximately 200 bikes led the march and I WAS ON ONE OF THEM!!!! Maxine, my host for the week, had invited me to be her B.O.B (Bitch on Back. It was a fantastic experience. Crowds of people lined the pavements to cheer us on, everyone was so supportive and I rode around the route with a huge grin on my face. I was over the moon and am SO greatful to Maxine (who, by the way, has been a wonderful host, although now I would say a great friend).


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