Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Washington DC: I'm staying in an amazing location with a french guy, Guillaume. The flat is literally 10 minutes walk from the White House, and has a pool on the roof along with spectacular views !!!! Guillaume is a really nice guy and a fabulous host, pointing me in the right direction and taking me out for an evening.

This is a strange place in many ways. When I went to the White House end of the Mall I was being directed all over the place by police. Soldiers were wandering around the park (one of them shouted to the other 'George Dubya's comin in by helicopter' - I never saw it/him nor did I want to, whatever he's got might be catching !) There is a strange feeling of fear and paranoia here, I'm sure that's not the intended impression the powers that be are trying to get across. Its noticable that almost all the memorials are to do with war and violence. There's no real sense of looking to the future or pondering on the more positive aspects of American history.

I have never seen so many runners within one area, this city appears to be pretty healthy if nothing else !

Last night Guillaume took me to the famous 'Madam's Organ' in the Adam's Morgan area of the city (get it ?!). A pretty stunning bar on 5 crazy floors. Everything you can think of hangs from the ceilings and adorns the walls of the dark rooms, live blues/blue grass music was being played by a guitar and harmonica duo and the beer was served in incredible glasses that looked like jam jars with handles - screw lines and everything. If I'd been near the end of the trip I would have swiped a few for my cupboards !


At May 05, 2005 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like they could do with opening a branch in Manchester... Instead of a STARBUCKS, perhaps?


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