Thursday, July 21, 2005

While I was waiting for my (delayed) flight to leave San Francisco I phoned Shana, she broke the news to me of the London bombing. I had never felt so far from home, so disconnected from ‘real’ life. I have so many friends who live in London or who make regular trips there that I wouldn’t have known who to phone first, as it was I had run out of cash, the phones wouldn’t take my credit cards and I didn’t have a mobile phone. Having spent the best part of 3 months in such an enormous country the UK felt like the very small island that it actually is. In the UK my generation and those before me have been brought up familiar with the word ‘terrorism’, the IRA made sure of that, so although we are shocked and outraged at the event itself, the idea of terrorism doesn’t send us into a state of panic and over reaction. We don’t resort to the kind of fortress mentality that only serves to piss off further and make more determined those with a grudge. I had no idea how the powers that be were reacting; my only hope is that that UK doesn’t pull up its draw bridge. I have made so many friends during my time in the US that I have a greater sense of internationalism than ever before. I hate to think that the response to this horrendous event will result in the loss of freedom (and I use that word lightly) to travel the world over visiting friends and loved ones. Pulling the duvet over heads, drawing the curtains and refusing to trust anything or anyone that is different will isolate us from our friends, as well as those who consider themselves to be our enemies and it appears right now we need all the friends we can get. Although, that’s not the ‘British’ way, and besides which, as much as he might think he is, Bush isn’t our leader !!!!!!!!


At July 22, 2005 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is not our leader either, patriotism and solidarity be damned!The link between our two countries will always remain strong and once we get rid of the two Bs, bush and blair, perhaps the better off we shall be. Maybe travelling will be the best course of diplomacy...

At July 22, 2005 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SO much a proponent of person-to-person diplomacy and relationship-building in this wonderful wide world of ours! Do you suppose there would still be wars if people other than politicians (I'm talking the mothers and teachers and humanitarians of the world) were in charge?

Glad you made it home safe and sound, Kate. I'll look forward to forthcoming updates as you adjust to repatriation after your glorious adventure :)

And, you're coming back in September, eh? Well, THAT didn't take long ;)

At July 23, 2005 12:22 AM, Blogger KP said...

If people other than politicians were in charge there wouldn't be wars in the first place !!

....and xmas/new year. How long a drive are you from San Francisco Carroll ?

At July 23, 2005 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 45-60 minutes depending on traffic andwhich part of the city you're coming from :) September's my very busy time of the year with the project I do up at Stanford, but I would consider it a "must" if you think you could get down this way! We'll stay in touch!!

At July 23, 2005 11:18 PM, Blogger KP said...

I'll be in SF at xmas/new year, September is my trip to New York (half way for both of us!).


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