Friday, July 22, 2005

Saturday 9th July

We made our way to the University of British Columbia to pay a visit to the Museum of Anthropology. A fabulous museum, at first glance it seems quite small and to hold a relatively small selection of exhibits, but it’s almost as though the place grows once you are inside it. It educates people about such a fascinating history, it was impossible to take it all in, I wanted to sit for hours and contemplate the beautiful imagery. From it’s beautifully carved front doors (made by four master Gitxsan artists) which contain within the design a narrative of the first people of the Skeena River, to its amazing visible storage section (nothing is hidden from visitors), it was a wonderful experience. I was particularly captured by The Raven and The First Man by Bill Reid which depicts a moment in the history of the Haida people. I read about it’s creation and installation and practically ran down the corridor to see it for myself. There are fascinating outdoor exhibits and I even caught a rehearsal of a live performance of drumming by a local group. A great way to spend a few hours.


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